The [row] number will need to be a random number between 1 and the number of items in your list. The Math.random() method is used to get the random number between 0 to 1 (1 exclusive). It can be multiplied with the size of the array to get a random index and access the respective element using their index. No I put 2 more cabinets than the number of item I have. So if there’s 4 items to be spawned inside drawers, I put 6 drawers in my level and 2 of them must be empty(randomly). It is possible to deplete the random item generator item design deck.
So if you want to restart it, you just need to fill in the vocabData with all items, then shuffle again. Now I undertand why I get all the errors, randomElement is useless here. Two separate functions and using vocabData as global variable makes so much sense now... As you discovered, nothing stops randomElement to pick the same element twice. Note that you will need to import the random module at the beginning of your code in order to use the random.choice() function. Learn these 6 tips to improve the performance of your application just by handling strings correctly.
For example, get the first item using array[0], the second item using array[1], and so on. To kick your array skills into the stratosphere, everything you need to be an arrays expert is available in this book. Here is give me a item randomizer guide, please mark this as the solution. Use something like the random fishing part, and you can adjust the numbers to your liking.
Just enter your list items and the tool will be the chooser / picker / selector you've been yearning for. You can create an object using a random number to choose from an array with the list of object names. Override this method in subclasses to customise the random()behaviour of Random instances.