Step 1: Find a Forgotten Altar
Forgotten Altars are rare shrines hidden inside dungeons. Activating them grants players one of Diablo 4 Gold the four Lost Witchcraft Powers, which includes Piranhado. However, there are a few challenges:
Forgotten Altars do not appear in every dungeon.
There is no guaranteed order for unlocking Witchcraft Powers, meaning players may have to activate multiple altars before getting Piranhado.
Step 2: Prioritize Dungeon Exploration
Since Forgotten Altars spawn randomly, it's best to focus on specific dungeons that have a higher probability of containing them.
Some of the best dungeons to farm include:
Ruins of Eridu – High enemy density and multiple large rooms for altar spawns.
Anica's Claim – A relatively small dungeon that can be cleared quickly.
Faceless Shrine – Confirmed to have multiple Forgotten Altar spawns.
To maximize efficiency, players should:
Clear dungeons methodically to ensure no altar is missed.
Reset dungeons frequently if no altars are found.
Use movement-enhancing Diablo 4 Items to speed up Diablo 4 Gold for sale exploration.